Adenylyl Cyclase: cAMP Pathway
This pathway is seen downstream of Gs and Gi protein-coupled receptors.
Gs protein
Stimulates the pathway
Usually increases the activity of the cell
Gi Protein
inhibits the pathway
Usually decreases the activity of the cell
Gs Protein Pathway
Gs protein is composed of 3 subunits: αs, β and γ.
Resting Condition
Trimer of αs, β and γ subunit is associated with the receptor.
αs subunit is bound to GDP.
Activation and Signaling
Ligand binds with the receptor
Conformational change
Release of GDP and binding of GTP to αs subunit
Dissociation of the complex from receptor & separation of subunits
Formation of free αs subunit and βγ complex
αs subunit travels along the membrane
Goes to the membrane-bound enzyme adenylyl cyclase
Activates adenylyl cyclase
Adenylyl cyclase converts ATPs into cAMPs
Increased concentration of cAMP
Activation of cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase A (PKA)
PKA phosphorylates different transport proteins, metabolic enzymes, transcription factors, or structural proteins
Change in the activity of phosphorylated protein
Response of the cell
For example in myocardial cells:
Activates β1 receptor which is a Gs protein-coupled receptor
Activation of the cAMP pathway as explained above
Phosphorylation of transport proteins on sarcoplasmic reticulum
Increases sequestration of calcium in sarcoplasmic reticulum
Increased contractility of cardiac myocyte
Termination of the Signal
When external stimulation is no longer present ⟶ intracellular signal is terminated.
Occurs at multiple levels as follow:
Inactivation of αs subunit and adenylyl cyclase:
αs subunit has GTPase activity
Hydrolyses GTP into GDP and inorganic phosphate
Inactive αs subunit
Dissociates from the adenylyl cyclase
Prevents further activity of adenylyl cyclase
Inactivation of cAMP and PKA:
Phosphodiesterase enzyme
Converts cAMP into AMP
Decreased concentration of cAMP
Prevents further activity of PKA
Inactivation of the target protein:
Various protein phosphatase enzymes
Cause dephosphorylation of target proteins
Reverses the activity of the target proteins
Gi Protein Pathway
Gi protein is composed of 3 subunits: αi, β and γ.
Follows a similar path as explained above
But instead of stimulating, αi in this case inhibits adenylyl cyclase
Baseline activity of adenylyl cyclase is prevented
Activity of the cell decreases
For example in SA node:
Activates M2 receptor which is a Gi protein coupted receptor
Stimulation of Gi protein
Formation of αi subunit
Inhibits baseline activity of adenylyl cyclase
Decreased impulse generation at SA node
Fall in heart rate
Gs and Gi Together in the Same Cell
Presence of Gs and Gi in the same cell provides an opportunity to stimulate or inhibit the same activity.
Gs protein stimulates the activity.
Gi protein inhibits the activity.
For example, Cardiac Myocytes:
β1 receptors, a Gs protein-coupled receptor.
M2 receptor, a Gi protein-coupled receptor.
Sympathetic Nerves
Release adrenaline
Stimulates β1 receptor
Activation of Gs protein
Increased activity of adenylyl cyclase
Increased contractility
Increased cardiac output
Parasympathetic Nerves
Release acetylcholine
Stimulates M2 receptors
Activation of Gi protein
Decreased activity of adenylyl cyclase
Decreased contractility
Decreased cardiac output
This is a great example of how a second messenger system integrates signals from different extracellular messengers to control a single cellular function.