Autophagy and Autolysis
is a housekeeping process in which old organelles are degraded and recycled.
Intracellular membrane wraps around the organelle to be degraded
forms a double membrane structure called autophagosome
autophagosome merges with lysosome
↓ Lysosomal hydrolases digest materials inside the autophagosome
↓ released nutrients are reused by the cell.
Autophagy also supplies vital nutrients to cells when their supply from outside is scarce.
Damaged cells are removed by autolysis.
Trauma/heat/cold/chemical etc
damage to the cell
Lysosomes rupture
Hydrolase enzymes are released
1. If the damage is limited → only damaged structures are digested → cell is repaired.
2. If the damage is widespread and severe → entire cell is digested and removed → new cell is formed by mitosis of adjacent cell.