📚 > Physiology >General PhysiologyFoundation of Physiology▶️ Introduction to Physiology▶️ Functional Organization of Human Body▶️ Milieu Intérieur vs Milieu Extérieur ▶️ Homeostasis & Negative Feedback Control Loop ▶️ How Physiological Parameters are Controlled? Cells and Molecules▶️ Introduction to the Cell▶️ Cell Membrane ▶️ Phospholipids in Water ▶️ Biological Membrane & Fluid Mosaic Model▶️ Membrane Proteins▶️ Cell Nucleus ▶️ Endoplasmic Reticulum ▶️ Golgi Apparatus ▶️ Lysosomes, Peroxisomes & Secretory Vesicles ▶️ Mitochondria▶️ Cell Cytoskeleton ▶️ Endocytosis ▶️ Autophagy and Autolysis▶️ 9 Interesting Facts About Protein Synthesis and Secretion ▶️ Why ATPs are Called Energy Currency of The Cell ▶️ Ameboid Locomotion of the Cell▶️ Cilia and Ciliary MovementsSignal Transduction▶️ Cell to Cell Communication: Types▶️ Receptors: Types and Functions▶️ Intracellular Signaling ▶️ G Protein Coupled Receptors ▶️ Adenylyl Cyclase: cAMP Pathway ▶️ Phospholipase C: IP3 - DAG Pathway ▶️ Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and MAPK Pathway ▶️ Tyrosine Kinase Associated Receptor and JAK STAT Pathway ▶️ Nuclear Receptors and Their Signaling Pathway Transport of Substances Through Cell Membrane▶️ Extracellular Fluid vs Intracellular Fluid: The Difference in Composition▶️ Transport Proteins ▶️ Na-K-ATPase Pump ▶️ Diffusion vs Active Transport▶️ Diffusion: Types & Factors Affecting Rate of Diffusion▶️ Selective Permeability of Protein Channels▶️ Osmosis & Osmotic Pressure▶️ Mechanisms of Transport Through the Cell Membrane ▶️ Primary vs Secondary Active Transport ▶️ Transport Across Epithelium Membrane Potentials and Action Potential▶️ Nernst Equation & Goldman Equation▶️ Origin of Resting Membrane Potential ▶️ Generation of Action Potential ▶️ Propagation of Action Potential ▶️ Plateau in Action Potential▶️ Rhythmic Self-Excitation of Some Cells▶️ Threshold for Action Potential & Subthreshold Potentials▶️ Refractory Period: Absolute & Relative Refractory Periods
📚 > Physiology >General PhysiologyFoundation of Physiology▶️ Introduction to Physiology▶️ Functional Organization of Human Body▶️ Milieu Intérieur vs Milieu Extérieur ▶️ Homeostasis & Negative Feedback Control Loop ▶️ How Physiological Parameters are Controlled? Cells and Molecules▶️ Introduction to the Cell▶️ Cell Membrane ▶️ Phospholipids in Water ▶️ Biological Membrane & Fluid Mosaic Model▶️ Membrane Proteins▶️ Cell Nucleus ▶️ Endoplasmic Reticulum ▶️ Golgi Apparatus ▶️ Lysosomes, Peroxisomes & Secretory Vesicles ▶️ Mitochondria▶️ Cell Cytoskeleton ▶️ Endocytosis ▶️ Autophagy and Autolysis▶️ 9 Interesting Facts About Protein Synthesis and Secretion ▶️ Why ATPs are Called Energy Currency of The Cell ▶️ Ameboid Locomotion of the Cell▶️ Cilia and Ciliary MovementsSignal Transduction▶️ Cell to Cell Communication: Types▶️ Receptors: Types and Functions▶️ Intracellular Signaling ▶️ G Protein Coupled Receptors ▶️ Adenylyl Cyclase: cAMP Pathway ▶️ Phospholipase C: IP3 - DAG Pathway ▶️ Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and MAPK Pathway ▶️ Tyrosine Kinase Associated Receptor and JAK STAT Pathway ▶️ Nuclear Receptors and Their Signaling Pathway Transport of Substances Through Cell Membrane▶️ Extracellular Fluid vs Intracellular Fluid: The Difference in Composition▶️ Transport Proteins ▶️ Na-K-ATPase Pump ▶️ Diffusion vs Active Transport▶️ Diffusion: Types & Factors Affecting Rate of Diffusion▶️ Selective Permeability of Protein Channels▶️ Osmosis & Osmotic Pressure▶️ Mechanisms of Transport Through the Cell Membrane ▶️ Primary vs Secondary Active Transport ▶️ Transport Across Epithelium Membrane Potentials and Action Potential▶️ Nernst Equation & Goldman Equation▶️ Origin of Resting Membrane Potential ▶️ Generation of Action Potential ▶️ Propagation of Action Potential ▶️ Plateau in Action Potential▶️ Rhythmic Self-Excitation of Some Cells▶️ Threshold for Action Potential & Subthreshold Potentials▶️ Refractory Period: Absolute & Relative Refractory Periods