Physiological Splitting of Second Heart Sound
Components of Second Heart Sound
Second heart sound (S2) is produced due to the closure of semilunar valves.
Semilunar valves include:
Aortic valve: between the left ventricle and aorta
Pulmonary valve: between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery
So actually there are two components of second heart sound:
Aortic component (A2)
Pulmonary component (P2)
The Mechanism of Splitting
Pressure in the aorta is higher than that in the pulmonary artery
The aortic valve closes slightly before the closure of the pulmonary valve
The sound of closure of the aortic valve is produced a bit earlier than that of the pulmonary valve
Splitting of S2 into A2 and P2 components
Accentuation of Splitting During Deep Inspiration
Deep inspiration
Intrathoracic pressure becomes more negative
Venous return to the right heart increases as compared to that in the left heart
Emptying of the right ventricle takes a little longer than the left ventricle
Closure of pulmonary valve is delayed
Accentuation of splitting of second heart sound